InfoSight can help your company meet the labeling requirements set in the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA)

The CPSIA requires tracking labels on products that:

  • Identify the Manufacturer or Private Labeler
  • Identify the location of production
  • Identify the date of production
  • Identify cohort information (batch number, run number, lot number)
  • Are permanently attached (i.e., not with adhesive)

InfoSight builds marking systems for industrial identification and lifetime asset identification.  Products like our JM410 and LL1000 metal tag printers are affordable on-site / on-demand printers are used to mark our durable metal tags.  Designed for harsh environments, these tags can be permanently attached to your product in a variety of ways, including screws & rivets.  Some tags are flexible to conform to curved surfaces, and the message will last.

Both printers fit easily on desk or table tops, and can be run from almost any PC.  Both include LabeLase® Producer™ software for label design, full printer control and communications with your computerized shop control systems.  Easy to use, this software allows you to easily create tags that include all of the CPSIA required information, plus logos and graphics.  Producer™ makes the design of the tag easy to change as needed, allowing your company to meet changing requirements, or include specific information required by Canadian or European regulations.  Naturally, bar codes are included.


Who can benefit from utilizing InfoSight’s products?
Manufacturers or Private Labelers of:

  • Juvenile Products
  • Children’s Products
  • ATVs
  • Sports Equipment
  • Playground Equipment
  • Pedal Toys and Bikes
  • Playhouses
  • Wagons
  • Trucks
  • Bike Trailers
  • Trampolines
  • Water Park Equipment

For more information about InfoSight's product labeling solutions for CPSIA, Contact Us or fill out a request for information online.

Specifications are subject to change without notice.