Extremely Cold Application

Extreme Applications 

InfoSight’s goal is to provide every application an identity and tracking solution.  The more extreme the environment – temperature, chemical exposure, duration – the more difficult this becomes.  InfoSight has developed technology for applications such as: 

  • Materials laboratories creating new products with working temperatures above 2000°F. 
  • Highly caustic environments that dissolve almost everything. 
  • Medical reagents and final disposition processes that destroy common tags. 


InfoSight Metal Barcode Tags can have custom messages – including alphanumeric characters, graphics & logos, and 1D & 2D barcodes – printed on demand with on of InfoSight’s LabeLase® Printers. 

Infosight Metal Barcode Tags can be ordered preprinted by InfoSight with the same custom messages described above. Learn more about Print-to Order Tags here.  


InfoFusionTM SR 

  • For repeated and prolonged exposure to high pH conditions. 
  • Print on-site with InfoSight laser printers (fume extractor required). 



  • Life Science tags for anatomical preservation and inventory control during study and final disposition. 
  • Impervious to laboratory and pathology reagents.
  • Durable at extremely low temperatures. 


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