Tube and Pipe

Automated systems for identifying tubes and pipes in the metals industry
  • Weigh-Measure-Stencil System

    Weigh Measure Stencil System

    Performs automatic weighing, length measurement, stamping, stenciling, color-banding and pipe tally reporting of steel pipe or tubular products

  • Choosing a Barcode to Track In-Process Pipe and Tube Products

    Pipe with OptiCode Barcode

    Simple solutions are often favorable, especially in complex situations. Just ask the busy barista how she feels about making an upside-down caramel macchiato versus serving up a black coffee. Sure, the macchiato may be more fun to drink, but it’s going to slow her down and there are more opportunities for mistakes. The black coffee makes her customer happier quicker, with basically no room for error.

    InfoSight’s OptiCode® system uses a simple 1D barcode that is the pipe & tube manufacturer’s black coffee. It is a durable, spacing based barcode that is readable after damage because of its simplicity. The barcode contains a Piece Identification Number (PIN) that links back to a database. All relevant information is contained in the database. Data Matrix barcodes, are more like the macchiato, in that they contain a lot of information within the barcode, but are not as reliable when subjected to damage. To combat this, they often include error correction codes so the message can be read when some cells are damaged, and they are usually printed repeatedly along the OD of a pipe.

    It is important to identify tube and pipes with barcodes that withstand damage because of the processes they endure after being formed. With the OptiCode® system, tube and pipe products can be marked immediately after being cut and have that identification carry with them throughout the rest of the process. The barcode can be read after being subjected to conveyors, clamping, and straightening. Pipes and tubes will also bang against each other as they are stacked; they’ll be spun, creating friction wherever the OD is touching something, whether it’s a roller or another pipe. All of this creates opportunities for damage to the barcode. The OptiCode® barcode is still readable after almost any type of damage, provided any part of each bar remains. With a readable barcode, a plant can track pipes and tubes through their process. Check out this video that demonstrates the damage an OptiCode® barcode can sustain and still be readable. 

    A North American pipe manufacturer recently updated their process from marking all pipes in a batch with the same batch number to marking each pipe with an individual identification number. Previously at other locations, this customer used 2D style barcodes because they can carry a lot of information. However, these codes were easily damaged and were often unreadable. At InfoSight’s recommendation, they decided to adopt the OptiCode® system at this location, and they are now experiencing over 95% successful read rate. The engineer said he would recommend he OptiCode® system because, “It’s simple. It’s durable. It works.”

    InfoSight understands the importance of tracking products within an operation, and the specific traceability challenges faced by pipe and tube manufacturers. As the demand for pipe and tube products increases, manufacturers will be busier than ever. Like the busy barista, they need a simple solution with no room for errors. OptiCode® is simply the best traceability solution for pipe and tube manufacturers.

  • I-Dent® Spray Marking System

    I-Dent® Spray Marking System

    The I-Dent® Spray Marking System from InfoSight Corporation offers a practical and cost effective alternative to manually stenciling products in an industrial environment.

    The I-Dent® Marking System utilizes a non-contact multi-nozzle Printhead which is capable of producing a full range of upper case alphanumeric characters 3/4 to 6 inches high.

  • InfoDent® Dot Matrix Stamping System

    InfoDent® mark on billet end

    The ID8400 model InfoDent® marking system is a programmable heavy duty system that was designed specifically for hot or cold marking applications in the steel industry where reliable operation under severe conditions is an absolute requirement.

  • InfoDent® Single Bar Stamping System

    INFODENT® Single Bar Stamping System

    The Single Bar Stamping System is an industrial identification stamping system that utilizes the InfoDent® ID8400 stamping head and is designed to quickly and permanently stamp variable message data onto the ends of hot or cold steel billets, blooms, rounds and beam blanks.

  • InfoSight's Experience and Expertise - Marking on Tubes and Pipe

    InfoSight has a lot of experience building automated equipment that marks on tubes and pipes.  There are quite a few things to consider when marking on tubes and pipes, but durability of the mark and the readability of the mark are two of the most important.  

    Tubes and pipes take a beating from the moment they are formed throughout their entire life.  One of the first things that happens is straightening, which will distort any mark that is already applied.  Stacking these products creates opportunities for bumping and banging the pipes together to further damage a mark.  Depending on the type of tube or pipe and its end use, InfoSight has several marking technologies that address these issues.  

    Spray marking systems, whether our own I-Dent® system for hot products or an OEM Drop on Demand (DOD) system for cold products are good options to apply InfoSight's OptiCode® Barcode to the outside of tubes and pipes.  OptiCode® is a robust barcode designed to operate as a Piece Identification Number (PIN) that then accesses a database for more complete information.  The simplicity and design of the barcode and the accompanying OptiCode® Readers allow for the barcode to remain readable after some distortion from straightening and after damage from blunt force.  

    InfoDent® 8400 stamp marking systems are also ideal for marking tubes and pipes.  These systems can stamp on the outside diameter of the products and on the ends of tubes and pipes.  The InfoDent®8400 software allows the system to mark in an arc pattern to follow the curve of the pipe.  This means every pipe in a stack can be identified from the end of the stack.  

    Inside Diameter Laser Marking Systems mark the inside of pipes, which also allow all pipes in a stack to be identified from the end of the stack.  This process includes applying a white patch inside the end of the pipe and marking it with a LabeLase® Laser Marker.  Often, a protective clear coat is applied, to provide further protection to the mark.  

    When it comes to marking tubes and pipes, InfoSight's experience and expertise is a valuable asset to our customers.  We know how important identification and traceability are in manufacturing, industrial, and infrastructure applications, which is why "We barcode difficult stuff." 



  • InfoSight's Experience and Expertise - Marking on Tubes and Pipe

    InfoSight has a lot of experience building automated equipment that marks on tubes and pipes.  There are quite a few things to consider when marking on tubes and pipes, but durability of the mark and the readability of the mark are two of the most important.  

    Tubes and pipes take a beating from the moment they are formed throughout their entire life.  One of the first things that happens is straightening, which will distort any mark that is already applied.  Stacking these products creates opportunities for bumping and banging the pipes together to further damage a mark.  Depending on the type of tube or pipe and its end use, InfoSight has several marking technologies that address these issues.  

    Spray marking systems, whether our own I-Dent® system for hot products or an OEM Drop on Demand (DOD) system for cold products are good options to apply InfoSight's OptiCode® Barcode to the outside of tubes and pipes.  OptiCode® is a robust barcode designed to operate as a Piece Identification Number (PIN) that then accesses a database for more complete information.  The simplicity and design of the barcode and the accompanying OptiCode® Readers allow for the barcode to remain readable after some distortion from straightening and after damage from blunt force.  

    OptiCode® barcode with Serial Number


    InfoDent® 8400 stamp marking systems are also ideal for marking tubes and pipes.  These systems can stamp on the outside diameter of the products and on the ends of tubes and pipes.  The InfoDent®8400 software allows the system to mark in an arc pattern to follow the curve of the pipe.  This means every pipe in a stack can be identified from the end of the stack.  

    InfoDent® 8400 True Arc Stamp


    Inside Diameter Laser Marking Systems (IDLMS) mark the inside of pipes, which also allow all pipes in a stack to be identified from the end of the stack.  This process includes applying a white patch inside the end of the pipe and marking it with a LabeLase® Laser Marker.  Often, a protective clear coat is applied, to provide further protection to the mark.  

    Pipe with IDLMS Mark


    When it comes to marking tubes and pipes, InfoSight's experience and expertise is a valuable asset to our customers.  We know how important identification and traceability are in manufacturing, industrial, and infrastructure applications, which is why "We barcode difficult stuff." 



  • Jib Marker Solutions for Moving Product

    Jib Marker Solutions for Moving Pipe

    The InfoSight I-DENT® Jib Marker for Moving Pipe is the ultimate solution when it comes to non-contact stencil marking on moving pipe.

  • Jib Marker Solutions for Stationary Product

    Jib Marker Solutions for Static Pipe

    The InfoSight Jib Marker for Stationary Product is the ideal dot-matrix marking solution when it comes to high contrast marking on stationary pipes, tubes or other products.

  • LabeLase® Automatic Plate Edge Marking System

    Barcodes on metal plate edges

    In as low as 6 seconds, the plate edge is referenced and labeled with a mark that is suitable for manual or automatic identification of stacked plates.

  • Robotic Automation

    Robotic Inside Diameter Laser Marking System

    InfoSight designs & builds customized automated marking machines that can be integrated with robots to:

    • Provide faster cycle times with a smaller footprint in the customer’s plant.  
    • Operate at temperatures from ambient to approximately 2000oF (1090oC).
    • Utilize InfoSight marking software, PLC control software, and the Robot software to create a marking system that integrates seamlessly into the customer’s process.  
    • Marking technologies available include InfoDent® 8400 Stamping Systems, LabeLase® Direct Laser Marking, Automated Taggers, and Spray Marking Systems. 

     Check out this demo video from 2021 AISTech.  

  • Robotic Automation From InfoSight

    When I think of robots, my first thought is always something like “Rosie” from the Jetsons.  Even now, working at InfoSight and having been around the common robotic arm used to move and use various tools to perform repeatable tasks, Rosie still pops into my head.  Just for fun, I looked her up and found this 2019 article from Emerging Ed Tech about all the cool stuff from the Jetsons that are common to us now. You can read that here

    The reality is that common industrial robots look nothing like Rosie but are still used to do jobs that are easily repeatable or dangerous for humans.  Using automated systems to identify metal products is more efficient, more accurate, and safer - this is InfoSight’s specialty.  Many of our marking technologies are designed for very hot products (over 1000oF/540oC).  They create different messages on each piece, including unique serial numbers and barcodes, in seconds.  Information is downloaded directly from the customer’s system, eliminating the chance of human error.  This can all be accomplished with traditional or robotic automation.  

    InfoSight began using robots several years ago. One of the earliest applications of a robot in an InfoSight system was for a bar and pipe spray marking system.  This customer required up to 16 different colors sprayed in specific variable patterns on the ends of pipes and bars. A second robot was added for end painting, colorband painting, and positioning a camera for remote visual inspection of pipes. The available space in the customer’s plant was very small, making the robot the perfect solution.  It included interchangeable End of Arm Tools (EOAT), of which most were spray nozzles to accommodate all of the colors.  One of the tools was the camera and a laser sensor for detecting the position of the product.  

    The small available footprint and quick cycle time is a common driving factor for using robotic automation.  In another application, InfoSight needed to mark the inside diameter of the tailing end of one pipe and the leading end of the next.  InfoSight utilized our direct laser marking technology which includes a special white patch that is darkened with a laser to create the message.  The EOAT included all of the marking components in a tube that rotated 180o to mark then leading end of one pipe, turn around, and mark the tailing end of the previous. Watch the Robotic Inside Diameter Laser Marking System here.     

    In another recent application, InfoSight incorporated an InfoDent® 8400 stamping head on a robot for a hot plate marking system.  The robot remains behind a heat shield until the plate is in marking position.  The robot uses a laser sensor to detect the trailing edge of the plate and then moves the stamper out to the plate and marks in multiple locations on the 2000oF (1100oC) plate.  Watch the Robotic Plater Marking System here.   

    While InfoSight is not sending Rosie to clean your house, we can integrate any of our marking technologies onto a robot, providing customers with custom automated marking systems with small footprints and quick cycle times.  Contact us today to learn how we can help you.