Who We Are...

InfoSight is a manufacturer of industrial marking machines, metal tags, metal tag printers, barcode readers and custom machinery for manual and automatic identification and traceability applications worldwide.


InfoSight Corporation was formed in 1993 from the divestiture of the large, custom designed side of the business from Telesis Marking Systems. InfoSight manufactures industrial marking machines, metal tags, metal tag printers, barcode readers and custom machinery for manual and automatic identification applications worldwide.

InfoSight Corporation employs over 70 people, 12 of whom were full-time trained factory workers and engineers formerly employed by Telesis. InfoSight is situated on 25 acres in Chillicothe, Ohio, USA. Next to the current office/laboratory building, a new production building was constructed in September 1994 to house the manufacturing and engineering facilities. The manufacturing building was expanded again in November 2011.

Dr. John A. Robertson, founder and CEO of InfoSight, started Telesis as an "invention on demand" shop in 1971 without a specific focus, but based upon patents in materials marking technology. A niche was discovered in industrial customized marking of steel.

The large customized machines are sold to heavy manufacturers for identification markings on rubber and primary metal products and are more intensively customized for one-off application, costing from $50,000 up to $1 Million a piece.

Primary steel mills need to keep track of their cast products and finished goods...where it came from, what was done to it and where it went. When individual pieces are "tracked", the mill can enhance quality (e.g. which machine produced defects?) and limit potential liability (e.g. do we have the correct metal for this steering arm?). The techniques for providing traceability vary greatly depending on the product and its processes.

Mission Statement

WE BELIEVE that customer satisfaction will provide the highest possible benefits to our stakeholders ... our customers, employees, suppliers, representatives, owners and the community.

WE BELIEVE that integrity is the vehicle of success. We keep our word and our commitment, promising only what we expect to deliver.

WE BELIEVE our most important asset goes home every night - our people. We pledge to inspire them through ethical and safe business practices that generate mutual respect.

WE BELIEVE we must provide products and services of highest quality which will generate acceptable margins and earn the confidence, respect and loyalty of our customers.

WE BELIEVE our creed is summarized as the pursuit of excellence in everything we do -- PERFORMANCE NOT PROMISES.