InfoFusion Tags

InfoFusion™ SR is an identification tag used in environments that have repeated or prolonged exposure to high pH conditions.

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InfoStripe Metal Tags

InfoStripe™ is a high temperature tag with a variety of colors. Sunlight won’t fade them and 1800°F (982°C) won’t blacken or smudge the text and bar codes.

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InfoTag® Brochure

Tracking Steel Heat Numbers

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InfoTint™ Brochure

High Temperature plus Easy/Instant Recognition

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InfoTote Metal Tags

InfoTote™ Tags are durable, laser marked plastic tags, intended for medium temperature applications in a caustic environment where a metal tag is unnecessary.

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JM410 Plate Printer Brochure

Mid-Volume Value for Production Lines and Finished Goods ID

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KettleTag® Plus Brochure

Text and Barcodes that Survive the Entire Galvanizing Process

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LDAR Applications

InfoSight metal tags designed for the Clean Air Act's mandate of a Leak Detection and Repair Program to monitor and audit leaks of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

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LDAR Tags - Leak Detection and Repair

InfoSight LDAR Tags offer a flexible, cost-effective way of meeting the EPA’s Leak Detection and Repair require-ments. Our LDAR Tags come in a variety of colors— highly rust resistant and sunlight & weather won’t mar the text and bar codes. Combined with on-demand printing and immediate tagging, InfoSight’s tags simplify LDAR tagging and updating.

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