OptiCode® Smart-Camera Barcode Reader

The OptiCode® Smart-Camera Barcode Reader from InfoSight is a compact industrial reading system designed for high-speed reading and/or long distance reading of industry standard and custom barcodes.

The reader uses “Smart-Camera” architecture that contains specialized hardware and software for the optimal reading of barcodes.



  • Barcode Reading from a distance up to 50ft (15m)
  • Read from Carriers or Cranes
  • Track Material from Casting to Stock to Rolling
  • Configure as Single Camera or Multi-Camera Installation
  • Fixed mount or Hand-held versions available

Major Components of standard OptiCode® Smart Camera System are:

  • High speed barcode reading hardware in FPGA (field programmable gate array)
  • Microprocessor running standard or application specific software
  • RS-170 video input (for cascading multiple readers for connection to a single monitor)
  • One RS-232/RS485 "Host" communications port (for data output, triggering, and configuration)
  • One RS-485 "Local" communications port (for interconnecting multiple readers to work as one, and for I/O expansion)
  • 5V I/O (2 inputs / 3 outputs standard) for triggering, read status, and misc.
  • EEPROM for storage of reader configuration
  • C-Mount Lens Mount (also available for CS-Mount)


Supported Symbologies (linear)

Code 39
Interleaved 2 of 5
EAN-13 / UPC-A
Custom Binary Codes


Power 5VDC ± 0.5V, 0.5A
Operating Temperature 0° C to +60° C
Video In/Out RS-170 (monochrome)
Host (UART 1) Communications RS-232 / RS-485 (switch selectable) 9600 Baud, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bit, No Parity
I/O Hardwire I/O connections are made via 6-pin connector on the back of the reader
  • Inputs: 2
5VDC, active low, internal 10K ohm pull-up resistor
Minimum input pulse width: 20ms
  • Outputs: 3
5VDC, active high
Minimum output pulse width: 1/2 second (500ms)
Standard Outputs: "GOOD READ", "NO READ", 1 undefined
Image Sensor (Camera based) Resolution: 1280H x 1024V (pixels)
Lens Mount C-Mount (CS-Mount available)
Barcode Scan Modes:
                 DIP-switch selectable
Mode 0 Horizontal, 30 fps (frames per second)
Mode 1 90° omni-directional, 15 fps
Mode 2 20° omni-directional, 10 fps
Mode 3 10° omni-directional, 7.5 fps
Mode 4 5° omni-directional, 3.8 fps
Mode 5 2.5° omni-directional, 2.1 fps
Mode 6 20° Near horizontal omni-directional, 15 fps
Mode 7 Reserved for future use 


RS-170 Video Monitor Required for lens adjustment
Lighting Per application, please consult with InfoSight Corporation (lighting may be supplied by customer)
Environmental Enclosure Per application, please consult with InfoSight Corporation
Necessary C-Mount Lens Per application, please consult with InfoSight Corporation (lens may be supplied by customer)


Specifications are subject to change without notice

OptiCode is a registered trademark of InfoSight Corporation