My goal with this blog is to help you learn about InfoSight, and now it’s time to start introducing our employees (I mean owners – we are 100% employee owned!) Today, I’m starting with Joe Morelli, our Director of Laser Printers and Tag Products, and eventually, I’ll help you get to know the people behind our products and services that help you identify and track your assets and products.  

Earlier this week, I had a short conversation with Joe.  My overall impression after talking with him is that he loves his job, but more so, he loves the people he works with, both InfoSight employees and our customers. He repeatedly used the phrase “building relationships”, and the excitement in his voice conveyed the authenticity of the sentiment.  

Joe started by telling me about the company he worked for before coming to InfoSight in 2002.  He was in a position there to form a working relationship with InfoSight’s founder, Dr. John Robertson.  When the company that Joe worked for was sold, it was a natural transition for him to come work at InfoSight as a sales representative.  Joe’s career at InfoSight got off to a quick start, with some big sales right away.  He attributes that to understanding the value InfoSight’s printers and tags would bring to mini mills. 

It’s actually quite fun to listen to Joe talk about his customers and his sales team.  Speaking about his customers, he says, “I’m really proud that customers trust us.  We have built great relationships over the years.”  The key to building that trust, he says, is to really listen to what they need.  There have been times during his career that InfoSight didn’t have exactly the right tag at first, but InfoSight was able to develop new products to meet those needs.  With that customer focus in mind, he stresses that InfoSight is an innovative company, always looking for innovative solutions, not just for traceability, but for whatever our customers need.

Joe leads the team of sales representatives in the United States and Canada and is a liaison for our international sales partners.  He is rather proud of his sales team, telling me, “We have a really sharp group right now.  They really know how to get out there and how important it is to understand the customer’s needs, to really listen to the customer.”  Joe then went on to talk about the internal employees at InfoSight, saying, “Our people are second to none.”  He believes that everyone, from those that take the orders, to those that build the printers, to those that ship our products, brings their A-game every day. 

It’s not surprising that someone who likes people as much as Joe Morelli does is a salesperson.  From my perspective, it is nice to work with someone who values everyone’s contribution, every step of the way.  You can find Joe on LinkedIn.