This past weekend, we commemorated the 20th anniversary of the terror attacks of September 11.  The weeks that followed were surreal.  Most of us continued to go to work or to school, but it was in a haze.  We were stunned, saddened, angered, and united as Americans.  Every year on the anniversary, I see many of my friends wishing for that unity again.  

This weekend, I spent a lot of time counting the blessings in my life.  There was a day when I never would have counted living in Chillicothe, Ohio as a great blessing, but that day is in the past.  Now, I cherish this community in which I live and work, where I’ve raised a family and made very good friends.  

InfoSight was a fairly young company in 2001.  It would be seven years before I joined the ranks here.  When I first came to InfoSight, I was struck by the teamwork.  It truly felt like a family atmosphere.  We still have a Christmas party every year, with only a few notable exceptions.  Each year, as we celebrate our successes, John Robertson, our founder and CEO, and Dave Hudelson, our President, make a special point to thank our families for their support.  

InfoSight has been through the same ups and downs as every other American manufacturing company in the last 20 years.  It is because we are dedicated to helping our customers that we have been able to survive and thrive in the modern era of manufacturing.  

I don’t think it’s just on the anniversary of September 11 that Americans long for unity, but it is good that we have that reminder every year.  As reflect on my good fortune this week, I will count my family, my community in Chillicothe, living in America, and working at InfoSight among my many blessings.