When I first started working at InfoSight and learned that we manufacture a tag that survives galvanizing, I thought there was some special magic at work. Logically, I knew that the magic is a result of thorough research and development by our scientists. It still blew my mind that we had a tag that you could print, apply to a steel product, dip that product into molten zinc, and still have a scannable barcode.  

InfoSight offers a full line of tags specifically for fabricators and galvanizers. The challenge InfoSight took on is to create an identification tag that resists the measures fabricators and galvanizers take to protect their steel. Preparing the steel for coating, and then painting, powder coating, or galvanizing that steel has the potential to either destroy or cover the identification. Our identification systems, including ShotTag™, PaintTag™, and KettleTag®PLUS, have proven records of surviving these processes. This means fabricators and galvanizers can track pieces from one process to the next without retagging.  

Recently, we learned that our magic wasn’t working as well as it should in a powder coating situation. This sounds like bad news, but it isn’t. This is the motivation that gets a lot of InfoSight people excited to show up to work every day – we had a problem to solve. And we did - after a few months of product development working with this customer, we introduced PowderCoat™ Tag. This tag is specifically designed for the cleaning, preparation, and curing that are part of the powder coating operation. 

Come see all our “magic” tags at FabTech in Chicago, September 13-16, 2021.  We’ll be at Booth #A5144.